Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Second Chicago Rosary Rally Faces Cathedral Security and Touches Hearts

The holy season of Lent has taken on a new meeting for Catholics in the Archdiocese of Chicago, as they continue to be denied the Traditional Latin Mass on the first Sunday of the month in archdiocesan churches per directives from Cardinal Blase Cupich. But, in typical Chicago fashion, they aren’t taking the Cardinal’s bullying lying down.

On Sunday March 6th over one hundred Catholics braved blustery Chicago weather on the steps of the cathedral for the second monthly Rosary Rally for the Latin Mass. As in the previous Rosary Rally in January, the message on the rally banner was respectful, yet firm: “Cardinal Cupich, why are you persecuting faithful Catholics?”

The rally lasted a little over an hour and consisted of the joyful, sorrowful, and glorious mysteries, along with hymns, the Divine Praises, and St. Maximilian Kolbe’s Marian consecration prayer. At the fifth sorrowful mystery, many of the attendees knelt on the sidewalk, using the opportunity to further their Lenten penitential practices and unite themselves to the sufferings of Our Lord.

Our Lady of Fatima reigned over the Rosary Rally through one of Her life-size traveling pilgrim virgin statues, flanked by several papal flags, two large banners, and young men playing hymns on the bagpipes.

Several people in cars honked and expressed their enthusiastic support as they passed by the Rosary Rally. A young man walking out of the 10:30AM Mass said he is a parishioner of the Cathedral and expressed support for the rally. Ironically, he also said the Cardinal’s restrictions have made him interested in attending the Traditional Latin Mass. Another passerby explained that he was a fallen away Catholic but lamented the loss of the Latin Mass, remarking that he remembered his dad talking about it when he was young.

Toward the end of the rally, Cathedral security asked several of the participants to leave the Cathedral steps, including a mother attempting to shield her child from the biting cold wind. Undeterred, rally participants continued praying Our Lady’s psalter on the sidewalk.

“Our Lady is never outdone in generosity,” organizer Danniel Pribble reminded everyone as the Rosary Rally concluded, “so we can be confident that Our Lady will answer our prayers and intercede for Holy Mother Church and for our diocese, in ways that we can’t even imagine.”

The next Rosary Rally for the Latin Mass in Chicago will be on Sunday, April 3. This third monthly rally will be important: in addition to banning the Latin Mass on the first Sunday of the month, Cardinal Cupich has also banned the ancient rite during the Sacred Triduum and Easter.

Visit the Facebook Page “Chicago Rosary Rally for the Latin Mass” for additional information or contact Danniel Pribble at




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