Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Global War in Motion?


As the war in Ukraine grinds on, U.S. intelligence reports are warning other despotic nations are taking advantage. Church Militant’s Trey Blanton provides the latest on the brewing theaters of conflict.

Defense leaders warned Congress Wednesday the threat of China’s takeover of Taiwan has increased in the wake of Russian aggression.

Ely Ratner, assistant defense secretary, Indo-Pacific: “When I look at the conflict in Ukraine, the lessons that I draw, No. 1, are the importance of Taiwan developing its own capabilities. And that’s something — its own defenses and deterrence — and that’s something we’re working with them on.”

The United States officially recognizes a One China Policy, centered in Beijing, but has recently sold Taiwan 100 anti-ship missiles that aren’t even expected to be delivered until 2025. China warned this week it will not tolerate efforts to support Taiwanese independence, saying it will, “Bring unbearable consequences to the U.S. side.”

This, while North Korea is test-launching even more ballistic missiles. Intelligence reports note the communist country’s dictator is in the early stages of reconstructing his nuclear weapons test site, which has been shut down since 2018.

Japan is responding to Russia’s invasion and the rising tension in east Asia by pressing its own historical claim to an island chain currently under Russian control.

Lastly, in Iran, intel reports the terrorist nation is capable of generating a crude nuclear bomb within weeks. The Shia-Muslim nation is already capable of carrying out operations in America. Mike Pompeo, the former secretary of state, has been authorized by the State Department to have a diplomatic security detail because of the high risk for an Iranian attack.

Biden’s foreign policy is escalating many hot spots to the brink of a new world war. Critics note China’s threat to the United States over aiding Taiwan’s military defense is similar to Vladimir Putin’s threat over NATO expansion before his invasion.