Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Atlanta Faithful Resist

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While many priests and bishops are giving sodomy and gender ideology a pass, Church Militant’s Resistance group in Atlanta is putting up a scrap.

Joe Gallagher, who happens to be the head of Resistance, tells us how the chapter is fighting back.

A dozen faithful Catholics gathered on Sunday outside the archdiocese of Atlanta headquarters. They prayed against and protested Fortunate and Faithful Families’ annual pro-LGBT retreat.

James Derr, Atlanta Resistance member:

They don’t talk about carrying your cross; they don’t talk about recognizing that this is a burden that you have to live with, that you have to lead a life you may not want to lead according to your passions, because that’s what the Church teaches and that’s what Christ asks of us.

While hating the sin, the group still loves the sinner.

Derr: “The initial premise that allegedly this ministry springs from is to recognize that the people with the disorder of gender confusion or same-sex attraction are to be loved. That’s a given.”

Cardinal Wilton Gregory, now the archbishop of Washington, D.C., supported the unfortunate and unfaithful group since its founding in 2013.

Atlanta’s new archbishop, Gregory Hartmayer, is showing the same support and deference.

Derr: “We were there to do spiritual works of mercy — namely counsel the ignorant and admonish the sinner. And if they don’t listen to us, as Jesus said, you shake the dust from your feet and move on.”

Church Militant Resistance hopes to plant seeds that will bear spiritual fruit.

One might wonder how an organization claiming to minister to so-called LGBT Catholics can do so without calling out sin for what it is. 

The archdiocese of Atlanta has been a homo-clerical hotbed for decades. Cardinal Gregory was brought up in Lavender Mafia–run Chicago under Cdl. Joseph Bernardin.

— Campaign 31877 —