Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Saving Black Babies

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In the United States’ history, African Americans have been unable to escape eugenics programs — even today. 

Here at BABL — “Bringing America Back to Life” — one keynote speaker is tackling this dilemma. And Church Militant’s Nadia Hazimeh provides greater context.

Catherine Davis, foundress, National Restoration Project: “2022 is [when] God strikes with truth.”

Today, foundress and president of the National Restoration Project, Catherine Davis, unloaded on the evils of targeting Black people with abortion. 

Davis’ project has three pillars that define her work on behalf of children, especially Black babies: sanctity of life, family and education.

Margaret Sanger, the foundress of what is now Planned Parenthood, was notorious for promoting eugenics.

Davis: “[Sanger] felt like so many of us were ‘dysgenic’ — dysgenic meaning we were to be controlled by people promoting eugenics.”

She rose to prominence in the early 20th century for opposing the Comstock Act, which outlawed contraceptives.

Margaret Sanger, foundress, Planned Parenthood: “It was a pleasure lashing out, as you were saying, against an archaic law.”

She pushed to legalize contraception, specifically for the poor, mentally ill, sick and so-called undesirable races. Sanger founded Planned Parenthood in 1916. Her largest target in that endeavor was Black Americans. 

One of her accomplices was Dr. Clarence Gamble. In a letter to him dated 1939, she wrote: “We don’t want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea.” 

From 1933 all the way to 1974, between 100,000 and 150,000 Black women were subject to eugenics programs — most of them by force or under threat by doctors. That is an estimate, since many sterilizations were done off the record.

Planned Parenthood is dominant in minority communities. A 2015 report from the U.S. Congress’ Center for Urban Renewal and Education found 79% of surgical mills are strategically located in walking distance of minority neighborhoods.

And the CDC says that 34% of abortions are done by Black women. Blacks make up only 13% of the population.

If that’s not bad enough, the Charlotte Lozier Institute reported more Black babies are aborted than born alive in New York City each year.

Many like Catherine Davis are needed to advocate for the right to life because history continues to repeat itself.

Davis: “The National Organization for Women, Alan Guttmacher and the people who supported Planned Parenthood all pushed forward until we got Roe v. Wade. [Abortion], again, is not a constitutionally protected activity.”

At dinner last night, Davis shared that 48% of all abortions in Ohio are on Black babies.

— Campaign 32075 —