Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Catholic Vanguard

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The Catholic dominance over the Bringing America Back to Life (BABL) conference was obvious from the get-go. Most inspiring, however, were the many young people at the conference, bravely standing up for truth and for life. 

Gabe Kessler, president of Young Catholic Professionals, Cleveland chapter: Obviously, as Catholics, we feel we have the fullness of the truth, right? We need to be out there sharing that, and if we’re not, then we’re not doing our duty as Catholics, as Christians. 

Even from outside the diocese of Cleveland, a powerhouse Catholic couple came to stand with fellow Catholics and pro-lifers.

Judy Harness: Really, it’s been the Catholic fight from the beginning, and we’re the only Church that still stands strong on that belief. 

Dan Harness: It’s time for somebody to step up who has the knowledge and has the background and the history behind the Catholic Church, and then I think everyone else will fall into suit with it. 

Church Militant Resistance was well represented by various chapters across the country.

James Murphy, Pointman, St. Louis Resistance: “They’ve brought together all the different organizations of pro-life.  They all have booths here for Personhood, Pro-Life Missouri — same in St. Louis; we have all these good groups, and to get together in one arena at the same time — it’s just fabulous.” 

Many Catholic speakers from every corner of the country stole the show, with great talks and by answering questions from the audience. 

Molly Smith, the conference organizer — a faithful Catholic herself — works with many different religions that know the overarching source of this pro-life movement.

Molly Smith, Cleveland Right to Life: “Just about every single Christian pastor that I work with who’s not Catholic recognizes that the Catholic Church was the one; it’s the Catholics within the movement that keep it going, and most of them will say that out loud from the pulpit, so they themselves recognize it.” 

Democrats on Capitol Hill, many of them fake Catholic, are doing whatever they can to push through deadly legislation.

So it’s up to faithful Catholics to pick up the slack and fight for the unborn.

As Church Militant has reported before, 30% of congressmen identify as Catholic.

Make sure to stay with Church Militant though this midterm season to keep informed on who is standing up for the unborn and who is not.

— Campaign 32075 —