Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Marching Orders From Ohio

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Conferences are helpful for uniting the clans and giving people a necessary shot in the arm every once in a while. But they are ultimately only fruitful to the degree they bring change after the event.

Hunter wraps up a recent pro-life conference in Ohio and reveals the marching orders for what to do next.

The “Bring America Back to Life” conference was hosted by Cleveland Right to Life (or “CRL”). Their goal is to get pro-life legislators into political posts so they can draft pro-life legislation. 

Molly Smith, a fierce Catholic and the president of CRL, has been advocating for every pro-lifer to continue praying, but to also take action.

Molly Smith, president, Cleveland Right to Life: “What we hope will happen is that exactly as you said, when there is a legislative action to be taken, people will arrive at the statehouse — be there to show their support of whatever we are trying to do.”

One doesn’t have to be a politician, but taking political action is not optional.


They don’t necessarily have to write the legislation. They don’t have to do any of that kind of stuff. Elections are coming up. We’ve got the primaries about to start. Sign up to become a poll watcher. It’s so simple. There are little tiny things that you can do. You can do one thing a month. That’s all you need to do. Go do it.

Some people, especially Christians, tend to think ill of getting involved in politics, but Molly completely disagrees.

Smith: “Everything is politics. Look at our Church. Our Church is full of politics. Look at our families. Our families are full of politics. You cannot say, ‘I’m not going to get involved in politics.’ You are involved in politics. Get involved in politics.”

In fact, even priests who speak up about politics publicly tend to get the cliché rebuke. 

Fr. James Altman, canceled priest: “Oh, you are just being political. Father Altman is too political.”

Christians refusing to get involved politically are ceding that sphere to Satan and his minions — as one great Catholic archbishop noted decades ago.

Fr. Altman: “As the Ven. Abp. Fulton J. Sheen said, ‘A religion that does not interfere with the secular order will soon discover that the secular order will not refrain from interfering with it.'”

Cleveland Right to Life was founded in 1975 and exists to promote and defend the right to life and dignity of all innocent human beings from the time of conception until natural death.

— Campaign 32075 —