Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Progressive Priest Endorses Pro-Abort


A Chicago priest famous for his flamboyant liturgical style and leftist activism is openly endorsing a pro-abortion candidate for the Illinois House. Church Militant’s Martina Moyski explains that even though the priest’s public support flies in the face of Catholic teaching, the chancery keeps silent. 

Fr. Michael Pfleger, pastor of St. Sabina’s parish on Chicago’s south side, is backing state senator Jacqueline Collins for the 1st Congressional District.

Collins is a run-of-the-mill, radical Dem with connections to Jesse Jackson’s pro-LGBT Rainbow Push program and a long history of voting pro-abortion.

Anonymous Priest: “And for Pfleger to endorse a Democrat along the lines of Jaqueline Collins — what’s this about? Does he want to move Illinois from being 11th place to being No. 1 for having the most abortions annually?”

Pfleger’s support of a pro-abort candidate is a clear violation of biblical and sacred traditions.

Joe Lazar, leader, Vision 2020: “A human baby deserves protection from the moment of conception … which I think a majority of citizens in the United States — even nonbelievers — actually are starting to see.”

The earliest surviving Catechism teaches: “You shall not procure abortion nor destroy a newborn child.” 

Lazar: “Abortion is just one of a whole lot of social issues like climate change, for example.”

But even more troubling is Cdl. Cupich’s silence — the unpopular cardinal has persecuted faithful priests like Fr. Paul John Kalchik but sings the praises of apostates like Fr. James Martin.

In the meantime, St. Sabina’s Gresham area of the Windy City — that Pfleger ministers to and that Collins wants to represent — continues its decades-long decline, both of them complicit in the ongoing corruption of Chicago.

In recent months, Cdl. Cupich has also come down hard on priests offering the Latin Mass and those saying Mass ad orientem while ignoring the antics of Pfleger.

For example, the cardinal called the faithful Fr. Anthony Buś of St. Stanislaus Kostka to task, demanding the beloved pastor take a 10-day retreat.