Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Not Fit to Serve?


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The Senate Judiciary Committee held its final day of confirmation hearings Thursday for unelected president Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee. In tonight’s In-Depth Report, Church Militant’s Kim Tisor offers a recap of the week’s hearings, illustrating why Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson isn’t fit to serve.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.: “Well, why does Demand Justice and every other nutjob liberal group want her more than anybody else?” 

The answer to Senator Lindsey Graham’s question is clear. Liberals want the Senate to confirm Judge Jackson when it votes April 4 because she speaks their woke language.

Judge Jackson, Supreme Court nominee: “Roe and Casey are the settled law of the Supreme Court concerning the right to terminate a woman’s pregnancy.”

Jackson’s declaration women have a right to abort their babies is perplexing when you consider the first Black woman nominated to the Supreme Court apparently doesn’t know what one is.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.: “Can you provide a definition for the word woman?”

Judge Jackson: “Can I provide a definition? No, I can’t.”

Sen. Blackburn: “You can’t?”

Judge Jackson: “Not in this context. I’m not a biologist.”

Her feigned ignorance came after failing to affirm there are inherent differences between men and women, leaving critics to wonder how she could possibly rule in sex discrimination cases

But the biological differences between sexes aren’t the only issue that stumped her. The Planned Parenthood-endorsed judge doesn’t have an inkling of when conception occurs.

Sen. John Kennedy, R-La.: “When does life begin, in your opinion?”

Judge Jackson: “I don’t know.” [laughs]

Jackson’s record indicates her lack of regard for the unborn extends to children beyond the womb who are victimized by child porn offenders.

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas: “Do you believe the voice of the children is heard when 100% of the time you’re sentencing child — those in possession of child pornography — to [sentences] far below what the prosecutors are asking for?”

Judge Jackson: “Yes, senator. I do.” 

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell expressed concern over Jackson’s evasiveness on court packing, a strategy liberals want to employ to place more of their ilk on the Supreme Court.

Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ken.: “She was literally the court packers’ pick for the seat, and she has repeatedly refused to reject their position.” 

Polls indicate about half of Americans are in favor of the Senate confirming Judge Jackson for what is a lifetime appointment. 

Jackson claims she would rule “without any agendas.” We may have a lifetime to determine if she’s being honest.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says he will not support Judge Jackson’s confirmation, but it’s unclear what other Republicans are going to do. Jackson was confirmed by the Senate with a bipartisan vote last year to serve on the D.C. Circuit Court.