Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Papal preacher, in 4th Lenten sermon, considers ‘Eucharistic ecumenism’ (

Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap, the preacher of the papal household since 1980, customarily preaches sermons to the Pope and members of the Roman Curia on Fridays during Advent and Lent.

This Lent, his sermons are devoted to the Mass. His first sermon was on the Liturgy of the Word; his second, on the Eucharistic Prayer; his third, on Communion with the Body and Blood of Christ.

His fourth sermon, preached on April 1, was devoted to the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. In considering “Eucharistic ecumenism,” he said, “We are not asked to ignore the real differences that exist or to break faith with any point of authentic Catholic doctrine. It is a question of bringing together the positive aspects and authentic values in every tradition so as to form a ‘mass’ of common truths that will gradually lead us to unity.”