The head of Germany’s bishops is doubling down after being criticized and cautioned that the German Church is heading towards schism.
Church Militant’s Martina Moyski explains how warnings are falling on deaf ears.
Georg Bätzing, the bishop of Limburg, is denying claims Germany is headed for spiritual ruin. Earlier in the month, the Nordic Bishops’ Conference cautioned that, with the ongoing Synodal Path, the German bishops were in danger of “capitulation to the zeitgeist,” the spirit of the age.
Bätzing, in a newly released letter dated March 28, responded to the Nordic bishops: “The fears expressed and indicated do not correspond to the actual deliberations, discussions and decisions of our Synodal Path.”
The head of the Polish Bishops’ Conference, Abp. Stanisław Gądecki, also warned Bätzing, writing in February that Germany “will either radiate its faith or its unbelief to the entire continent.”
Earlier in March, Bätzing came out in support of sodomy, saying, “We have to somewhat change the Catechism on this matter.” He claimed of same-sex relationships that “it’s OK if it’s done in fidelity and responsibility. It doesn’t affect the relationship with God.”
On March 28, Cdl. Reinhard Marx — architect of the Synodal Path — revealed his support for sodomy, claiming the Catechism is “not set in stone” and “one is also allowed to doubt what it says.”
Despite warnings about the complete destruction of the Faith in Germany, bishops there are going full-steam ahead.
In 2019, Cdl. Marc Ouellet warned German bishops that their synod was “not ecclesiologically valid.”