Pope Francis’ synodal sister is now incorporating the alphabet-soup crowd into the Synod on Synodality.
Church Militant’s William Mahoney looks at the French nun’s recent address to a dissident pro-sodomy group.
Sister Nathalie Becquart: “We have to decide new things, to find new ways to be Church.”
In her effort to find a new way to “be Church,” Sr. Nathalie Becquart spoke on Sunday to New Ways Ministry.
The heterodox group was founded in 1977 by another unconventional nun, Sr. Jeannine Gramick, in an attempt to change the Church’s immutable doctrine on homosexuality.
Sr. Jeannine Gramick: “And I also speak on behalf of the majority of U.S. Catholics, who favor legal marriage for same-gender couples.”
Sister Becquart’s address to New Ways Ministry was titled “Synodality: A Path of Reconciliation.”
For several years now, the habitless sister has been peddling the Vatican’s latest buzzword.
Sr. Becquart: “Synodality … synodality … synodality.”
Many of Becquart’s new ways to “be Church” are difficult to reconcile with Catholic teaching.
Sr. Becquart: “The vision of the synodal Church is a kind of framework to figure out how to get rid of a clerical Church.”
Although Becquart’s ideas seem muddled, American bishops have been clear on where New Ways Ministry stands.
For example, in 2010, the U.S. bishops’ conference published the following clarification: “No one should be misled by the claim that New Ways Ministry provides an authentic interpretation of Catholic teaching … New Ways Ministry has no approval or recognition from the Catholic Church … they cannot speak on behalf of the Catholic faithful in the United States.”
Sr. Nathalie Becquart: “How are we living our journey together?”
Sister Becquart’s new ways to “be Church” seem like repackaged old ways to abandon the Barque of Peter.
Becquart belongs to the Congregation of Xavières, an Ignatian group recognized by the Church in 1963 during the Second Vatican Council.