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Arizona Election Report


The 2020 presidential election is a hot topic of debate, and elected officials throughout America are still investigating potential election fraud and misconduct.

Church Militant’s Aidan O’Connor takes a closer look at Arizona’s ongoing battle for election integrity.

Arizona’s attorney general is exposing potential election fraud and misconduct in the 2020 elections. On Wednesday, Attorney General Mark Brnovich released an interim report on Maricopa County’s election results.

Maricopa County turned the election tide in favor of Joe Biden and has been the subject of scrutiny since the votes were counted. Brnovich wrote, “We have reached the conclusion that the 2020 election in Maricopa County revealed serious vulnerabilities that must be addressed.”

The attorney general noted he can’t release information about ongoing criminal investigations, but, in the report, he does list failures by those tasked with overseeing Maricopa’s election.

First, Brnovich blasts the county officials for not fully complying with his department’s inquiries. He also exposed a widespread failure to verify signatures for early voting and failure to secure ballot drop boxes

The report shows Maricopa County officials also received almost $8 million of private money for various election-related ends.

Arizona representative Mark Finchem has spearheaded the fight for election integrity.

Rep. Mark Finchem, R-AZ, State District 11: “What the attorney general has done is he’s vindicated all the work that we’ve done, from mail-in-ballot envelopes that weren’t signed all the way up to chain-of-custody issues that affect over 700,000 ballots.”

Mainstream media and the Left have all but swept 2020’s election irregularities under the rug, but Arizona has taken another step towards election integrity.

Last week, a former justice for Wisconsin’s Supreme Court released a 135-page interim report — revealing his state’s 2020 election was rife with lawbreaking.