Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Ukrainian Catholic leader: ‘Today Christ comes to eliminate our fear of the enemy’ (Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church)

On April 17, Eastern-rite Ukrainian Catholics celebrated Palm Sunday according to their liturgical calendar.

Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, preached that “today Christ comes to eliminate our fear of the enemy, his various armies and weapons. We feel that we stop being afraid. We feel the foretaste of victory in Easter procession of Christ himself.”

The Major Archbishop added, “Today we are especially praying for our Mariupol. We plead: Lord, where we, people, cannot enter to reach out to our brothers and sisters in the occupied territories, where we cannot open green humanitarian corridors, You enter and with Your strength, victory, stronghold—strengthen the heroic defenders of Mariupol!”