Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Bloodthirsty Dems

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The radical Democratic Party is grasping at any means available to twist the U.S. political system in favor of preborn child killing. 

Church Militant’s Aidan O’Connor takes a look at the Left’s latest plot to end innocent life.

Soon after a draft document criticizing Roe v. Wade was leaked from the Supreme Court, leftists began expressing their outrage. Democratic leadership seized the opportunity — immediately calling for radical change in the government.

Massachusetts’ senator Elizabeth Warren claimed that right-wing extremists hijacked the Supreme Court.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.: “And we are going to fight back.”

She tweeted, “We must #ExpandTheCourt to rebalance it and defend our basic rights, including the constitutional right to an abortion.” A host of fellow radicals are joining in chorus, wanting to pack the court with extremist liberals.

This, while the U.S. Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer, is promising a vote next week — aiming to codify abortion as a legal right.

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.: “Republicans will not be able to hide from the horror they have unleashed.”

The bill up for consideration would allow abortions up to the moment of birth. While the Senate is split across party lines, conservatives can still use the filibuster to stop the deadly bill from passing. So leftists are attacking the filibuster.

Minnesota’s Islamic U.S. representative Ilhan Omar joined in the woke fray, tweeting, “Expand the court. Abolish the filibuster.”

Critics are blasting the Left for actively tearing down the political system — to prepare the altar of Baal. Radical Democrats are even attacking members of their own party who aren’t willing to push the agenda of death at any cost.

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