Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

A “Red Wednesday” Against the Persecution of Christians

“Hundreds of millions of Christians live all around the globe in an environment where they are violently persecuted, discriminated against, or prevented from freely practicing their faith,” explains Florian Ripka, director of ACN in Germany, explaining the context of “Red Wednesday,” which is an international action.

Evenings of prayer and information as well as the red-lighting of churches are possible during the month of November. An overview of all participating parishes is available on the website Parishes can register to participate and download or order information and promotional materials free of charge.

One of the central events in Germany is the “Witness Evening” which will take place on November 22 at 6 p.m. in Regensburg Cathedral, with the report on the situation of Christians in Pakistan from the Archbishop of Lahore, Sebastian Shaw. The ceremony will be chaired by Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer.

Regensburg Cathedral will be illuminated in red inside and out for the occasion. The German branch of ACN also organizes numerous prayer evenings and religious services with Christians of the Universal Church in different locations during “Red Wednesday” week.

Since 2015, ACN has drawn media attention to the plight of persecuted and disadvantaged Christians around the world through “Red Wednesday.” At the same time, this action highlights the human right to freedom of religion.

Among the monuments illuminated in red in recent years were the Colosseum and the Trevi Fountain in Rome, the statue of Christ in Rio de Janeiro, the Austrian Parliament building and, in Germany, the cathedrals of Augsburg, Paderborn, Passau, and Regensburg (Ratisbonne).

“Witness Evenings” were also held in these and many other churches, during which Christians spoke about persecution and discrimination in their home countries.

Around November 22, 2023, the worldwide pontifical charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is calling for churches and public buildings to be illuminated in red as a sign of solidarity with persecuted and discriminated Christians.