Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Abortion in the States

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As we’ve noted, the nation’s highest court has declared Roe v. Wade unconstitutional, placing the future of America’s unborn back in the hands of the states. Church Militant’s Aidan O’Connor joins us now at the Church Militant big board to take a look at the post-Roe landscape in America, across all 50 states.

Roe v. Wade secured a right to kill your child, for nearly five decades — but during that time, neither the pro-death mob nor pro-lifers have been idle.

Before the landmark Supreme Court ruling of Roe v. Wade almost 50 years ago, the murderous act of abortion was illegal in over half of the United States. Pre-1973, 30 states, as well as D.C., outlawed abortion with no exceptions.

Twenty states allowed the deadly procedure in cases of rape or danger to the woman’s health. Only four states allowed abortion on demand. Now, after nearly half a century of infanticide, the landscape has changed.

Now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, the lawmakers of each state must decide if abortion is legal. Nine states still have pre-Roe abortion bans in place which can now take effect, since Roe no longer federally secures the right to kill your child.

Since 1973, 13 states have passed so-called trigger bans, which were aimed to quickly restrict and ban abortion only if Roe was overturned.

Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, Iowa and West Virginia ban abortion in their state constitutions. Fourteen states passed near-total bans on abortion, which are all stalled in court, but were designed to take effect whether or not Roe is overturned.

A handful of other states have expressed intent to ban abortion and are beginning to protect life. Meanwhile, the bloodthirsty Left is furthering its agenda of death.

Twenty-two states and D.C. have made abortion even more accessible and are pushing the limits of how early and how late mothers can murder their babies in the womb, or even out of it.

Seven states and the capital have no restrictions on abortion. Diabolically, four states have expressed intent to become abortion destinations, volunteering to foot the bill for out-of-state mothers to destroy their infants.

Now that the nation’s highest court has smacked down federally legal infanticide, hundreds of thousands of babies will be saved within a week, as states’ trigger laws and pre-existing legislation take effect.

But, state by state, radical abortionists will continue to fight for their so-called right to feticide, drastically dividing the country in a true matter of life and death.

Now that the abortion question is back to the states, state lawmakers are rushing to either defend the unborn or codify child killing. As we speak, certain states are already saving innocent life, while others have doubled down on evil.

— Campaign 32075 —