Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

‘Abortion Trafficking’ Outlawed

BOISE, Idaho ( – A first-of-its-kind state law criminalizes what it designates as “abortion trafficking.”

On Wednesday, Idaho’s Gov. Brad Little signed into law House Bill 242. In a hand-delivered letter to the state’s House of Representatives, Little wrote:

Section 1 of House Bill 242 does not criminalize, preclude, or otherwise impair interstate travel, nor does it limit an adult woman from obtaining an abortion in another state. Rather, the “abortion trafficking” provision in the bill seeks only to prevent unemancipated minor girls from being taken across state lines for an abortion without the knowledge and consent of her parent or guardian.

Little explained “the right and duty to establish legal policy on abortion was finally returned to our state democratic process” after the U.S. Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade.

The right and duty to establish legal policy on abortion was finally returned to our state democratic process.

The overturning of Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022, led to an automatic criminalization of abortion in the Gem State based on a trigger law — a previously existing state prohibition of abortion that was unenforceable under Roe but which became enforceable when federal law fell silent on the issue.

Idaho’s trigger law, which took effect on August 25, 2022, carries a possible prison sentence of two to five years for anyone who commits an abortion. The law permits exceptions for rape, incest or the so-called health of the mother.

Abortion Enthusiasts React

Before the ink from Little’s signature dried, the nation’s largest abortion chain was reacting on social media. 

“Yet again, Idaho’s governor disregarded constituents and signed HB 242 into law, creating the nation’s first crime of so-called ‘abortion trafficking,'” reads the first tweet in a thread from Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates West. 

Yet again, Idaho’s governor disregarded constituents and signed HB 242 into law, creating the nation’s first crime of so-called “abortion trafficking.” This legislation is despicable, and we’re going to do everything in our power to stop it. #idleg

— Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates – West (@PPAAWest) April 5, 2023

The organization vows in the thread to continue fighting the law, which it describes as “despicable” while taking issue with the necessary parental consent it establishes.

NARAL Pro-Choice America President
Mini Timmaraju 

“This bill criminalizes an adult assisting a young person accessing abortion care with the intent of concealing the abortion from their parent,” states a tweet in the thread. 

“While most young people include their parents in the decision to get an abortion, some are in dangerous, abusive situations,” it adds.

Just before Little signed the bill, NARAL Pro-Choice America President Mini Timmaraju had offered her organization as the champion of minors in the face of this legislation.

“We have a responsibility to keep young people safe, and this bill does nothing but put them at risk,” she claimed

“This is a clear and dangerous escalation of anti-choice extremists’ push to block all abortion care in every state, and our families will continue to suffer the consequences,” added Timmaraju. “Our children deserve better.”

Pro-Lifers on Abortion Trafficking Law

Last month, before the bill was signed, Rep. Barbara Ehardt (R-Idaho), who cosponsored HB242, explained, “We are only looking to continue to protect our children and our parental rights.”

“This gives us the tools to go after those who would subvert a parent’s right to be able to make those decisions in conjunction with their child,” Erhardt stated in a committee hearing on Monday.

Many pro-lifers took to social media in support of the new law.

Reacting to HB242 being enacted by the governor, Right to Life of Idaho posted on Facebook: “Thank You Governor Little for Signing Bill Protecting Pregnant Minors From the Abuse of Abortion Trafficking!” 

Many pro-lifers took to social media in support of the new law.

Responding to Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates West’s Twitter thread, Gino Vandender wrote, “[Governor Little] is targeting murderers crossing state lines to commit murder.”

— Campaign 31877 —