Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Activists Push for the Sexualization of Children

WASHINGTON ( – A U.S. pediatrician is suggesting colleagues adopt more “inclusive” language when talking to children about sex and body parts.

Dr. Ilana Sherer

In a presentation on Sunday at the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAPs’) National Conference and Exhibition held in Washington, D.C., Dr. Ilana Sherer advocated for renaming parts of the body that distinguish boys from girls and taught fellow doctors how to talk to minors about sexuality and so-called gender identity. 

One of the slides in Dr. Sherer’s presentation, titled “Discussing Gender and Sexuality in the Primary Care Office,” proposed referring to female body parts like the vagina as an “innie,” “front hole” or “T-penis” and the clitoris as “d*ck” or “d*cklet.” Breasts were called “chest” or “chesticles,” while she coined a penis an “outie,” “junk,” “strapless” or “bits.” 

Dr. Sherer, a pediatrician in Dublin, California, at Palo Alto Medical Foundation/Sutter Health, is described by her employer as having “a special interest in providing care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender patients and their families.”

A New Way to Talk

The California physician also devoted slides to teaching doctors how to talk to both children and parents about so-called gender identity and sexual orientation.

After telling parents they should let their children dress how they want and that there are no boy- or girl-specific toys or colors, Sherer wrote in her PowerPoint, “The most important thing is that your child knows that they will be loved and accepted by their caregivers, no matter their interests, hobbies, identities, or who they love.” 

Young people in the sex industry deserve and need rights.

The doctor also provided guidelines for talking to teens about sex. Sherer advised asking open-ended questions, such as “How would you describe your sexuality?” and “Tell me a little about how you have explored sex and intimacy.”

Then she asked questions about what “parts of the body” patients have used for “sexual pleasure,” along with questions about their “partners” and those persons’ so-called gender identities. 

Another set of slides discusses “non-pharmacologic treatment for body dysphoria” for both sex-confused boys and girls. She discusses ways for the confused child to aesthetically manipulate themselves to appear more like the opposite sex without medical procedures, such as boys wearing padded bras and taping their penis, while girls can wear “compression garments” and “penile prosthesis.” 

News Report: Gay Chorus: ‘We’re Coming for Your Children’

The American Academy of Pediatrics describes itself as representing “67​,000 pediatricians committed to the optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.”

The Daily Mail reported Dr. Sherer is board-certified by the AAP and “serves on the organization’s Executive Committee for LGBTQ Health and Wellness.” 

The doctor reports in her biography, “I have experience and passion for adolescent care, and especially around LGBTQ issues. I am a national expert on transgender children and love to care for them … .”

Sexual ‘Rights’ for Kids?

Another recent push for sexualizing kids came at the September Socialism 2023 Conference in Chicago, Illinois. Undercover journalist Karlyn Borysenko attended and recorded a Q&A session stemming from a Sept. 2 talk on “The Politics of Childhood.”

An individual named Chanel — who self-described as a sex-work activist — mused in part

[W]e’ve been dealing with the child sex panic, you know, the child sex trafficking conspiracy theories since the late ’90s. And I had never until this panel been like, huh, what about young people in the sex industry as part of a children’s liberation vision? Like, there’s just like a utopia I had never really thought of before because the world feels so separated and the issue of youth and sex work is so incredibly loaded. I don’t even know if I’d ask this question if it was being livestreamed. You are rolling into a lot of trouble when you start talking about the rights of young people in the sex industry. But young people in the sex industry deserve and need rights — at minimum actually, liberation and justice.

Applause from the audience can be heard in the recording following the comments.

If you love your children, you need to flee California.

Chanel continued:

So I just was like, “I want to hear folks who are thinking about the liberation of children and about movements for the liberation of children and how you understand just like to what extent you’re thinking [this] through because … that includes highly marginalized kids on the street — that for sure includes people selling sex, right? That includes people selling sex to survive your foster care systems and on the streets. How are you thinking about that?”

Jules Gill-Peterson

Johns Hopkins University history professor Jules Gill-Peterson was a member of the panel and responded to Chanel that a mass movement “has a kind of persuasive value.” The professor continued

If you’re part of a project trying to think about the young people’s role in the sex industry … one of the ways you might feel like you’re going to be able to lend time and energy to that effort is if it doesn’t feel like you could be hung up to dry alone for it. Right? 

This all comes in the midst of nationwide battles for parental rights and the safeguarding of children in many states. Certain liberal-led states have pushed to become so-called trans sanctuaries and even block parents from preventing their confused children from getting sexually mutilating surgeries.

California Republican state senator Scott Wilk decried his state’s push for trans ideology, claiming in June, “If you love your children, you need to flee California. You need to flee.”

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