Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

‘Admonishment and change’: Pope concludes Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Vatican News)

Pope Francis concluded the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with the celebration of Vespers on the January 25 at the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls (video, booklet).

“The theme of this Week of Prayer was chosen by a group of Christians from Minnesota, conscious of the injustices perpetrated in the past against native peoples and in our own day against African-Americans,” the Pope preached.

“Before the various forms of contempt and racism, before indifference, lack of understanding and sacrilegious violence, the word of God admonishes us: ‘learn to do good, seek justice’ (Is 1:17),” he continued. “It is not enough to denounce, we need also to renounce evil, to pass from evil to good. In other words, admonishment is meant to change us.”