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AI is focus of next papal message for World Day of Peace (Vatican Press Office)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the theme for the annual message that Pope Francis will release for the World Day of Peace, the Vatican has announced.

The World Day of Peace is observed on January 1. The papal message is usually released several weeks earlier. But the Vatican disclosed the theme for next year’s message in an August 8 announcement.

That announcement acknowledged that AI is “having a rapidly increasing impact on human activity, personal and social life, politics and the economy.” The papal message will address the “disruptive possibilities and ambivalent effects” of AI in his annual message, emphasizing “the need to be vigilant and to work so that a logic of violence and discrimination does not take root in the production and use of such devices.”

The Pope’s aim, the Vatican announcement indicated, that AI “may be at the service of humanity and the protection of our common home.”