Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Albany bishop eulogizes disgraced predecessor (Pillar)

Bishop Edward Scharfenberger of Albany, New York, said there is “much to be celebrated” in the life of the late Bishop Howard Hubbard, although the deceased former bishop “was not an uncontroversial figure at times.”

Speaking at the funeral for his predecessor—who had entered into an illicit civil marriage shortly before his death—Bishop Scharfenberger went on to say that “I know no priest that has not at times been a source of great hope and blessing.” But he reminded the congregation that “priests are human beings. They are broken, they are sinful, just like you and me.”

Bishop Scharfenberger celebrated the funeral Mass for Hubbard despite concerns that the liturgical celebration could cause scandal, not only because of Hubbard’s attempted marriage but also because of his failure to discipline abusive priests and multiple complaints that he himself had been guilty of abuse.