Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

America’s Disastrous Mistake of Promoting ‘Free Love’


I’m Michael Voris, reporting to you from the We The Patriots Conference in Boise, Idaho, held over this past weekend. If you happened to catch the Vortex yesterday, we posted our talk to the crowd from Friday.

Today, we’d like to do something that doesn’t usually get reported, but to do that, we need to set the scene for you.

There are quite a few of these types of conferences around the country on a pretty regular basis. They are almost always heavily attended by politically conservative Protestants, perhaps a leftover from the days of Jerry Falwell’s “moral majority” of the 1980s.

But regardless, there is no doubt that there is an extensive network, and even industry, of political-conservatism grassroots events like this around the nation. Much of the time, the same themes get hammered over and over again, like they should, because, while yes, you are speaking to the choir, it’s also true that the choir needs rehearsal.

Catholicism has the intellectual firepower to fight against the collapse of the nation.

However, because oftentimes the speakers are not Catholic, but are still men and women of goodwill, the more heady philosophical problems with Protestant conservative politics don’t ever get addressed. Even when they might, it’s only ever in very cursory, generic Christian terms, which, at the end of the day, is pretty useless.

So when we come to events like this invited as speakers, it’s a chance to drive home the message that generic Christianity (meaning Protestantism) will never be able to solve the cultural collapse because, frankly, the Protestant heresy caused it.

Yeah yeah, we know — so much for ecumenism. But we don’t care. It’s true.

So to be certain, we had no illusions that some folks in the audience of about 300 would not exactly cotton to the message that only Catholicism has the intellectual firepower to fight against the collapse of the nation.

We also had no illusions that some wouldn’t get up and walk out — and, true to form, they did. A little disclaimer: We have no way of knowing whether everyone who got up and left was leaving because of the points made in the talk. They might have had to go to the bathroom or make a phone call or whatever, but it’s unlikely that every single one of them left for reasons other than the topics, especially since we heard that various people were “riled up,” as it was described to us.

And for the record, the topics all pointed to the embrace of the sexual revolution by Protestant denominations over the past 60–70 years, starting with the Anglican acceptance of contraception at the infamous Lambeth Conference in 1930.

So as we went through the list of Protestant capitulations one by one, folks started getting up and leaving — about 25 in all out of about roughly 300. And for the record, Our Lord’s crowd all got up and left, so we are still underperforming. Only about 10% of our attendees left.

And interestingly, while we don’t have video of all the walkaway folks, almost every single one was a boomer woman. And given how the sexual revolution was marketed to women as “freedom for women,” “women’s liberation” and “fighting the patriarchy,” it’s a safe bet that, now, looking back on their lives, many boomer women are simply having a hard time facing the hard truths about being totally tricked (just like Eve was). But they were. The Marxists, like Satan, marketed their plan to women, in an effort to destroy the family, and they succeeded wildly.

After the talk, we started signing books for attendees, and it was interesting hearing the personal interactions from those who came to the table. Every single person (and with the rare exception, they were Protestant) we spoke with admitted they hadn’t thought of all this in these terms, which the bottom line is that the Protestant heresy is what brought about the cultural collapse.

The word “culture” comes from “cult,” which means “religion,” and if a civilization gets the religion wrong, then the culture collapses. And it is at this point precisely that leaders in the Catholic Church will have much to answer for. They deprived not only Catholics from their birthright, they also deprived a culture willing to listen from the fullness of the truth as well. Talk about a sad, sad commentary.

The reason there is so little knowledge of the Faith among Catholics is that they have been infected with the Protestant heresy, and the bishops did nothing to inoculate against it. In fact, in many cases, they actually promoted it — and still do!

There are always people of goodwill who are willing to give the truth a hearing.

Bottom line on all this: There are always people of goodwill who are willing to give the truth a hearing. Always. Absolutely always. We got into a few discussions with such people after the talk. They were inquisitive, clear-minded, grateful, and even got a book to learn more.

Sure, if you hit people hard in the face with the truth, some walk away. But others will take that cold smack as a wake-up call and choose to learn, and they won’t walk away.

And as a special note, especially for those living in Southern California, here’s a way to walk toward truth, not away from it: Church Militant has joined forces with other good Catholic outfits in sponsoring a peaceful prayer procession on June 16, as reparation for the Los Angeles Dodgers’ shameful decision to mock Catholics by honoring the blasphemous “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” who really are drag queens impersonating nuns.

If you can make this prayerful pilgrimage, please meet at the Cathedral of Our Lady Queen of Angels in L.A. at 4:30, where the procession will make its way to Dodger Stadium where the drag queens will be celebrated as part of pride stuff. Everyone is encouraged to wear red to honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

For more information, go to