Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

An update on our friend in need, and an invitation to keep helping

Recently we’ve been promoting an online fundraising campaign in support of Crux’s managing editor, Charley Collins, and his wife and children. Charley is experiencing a serious health crisis, and he and his family desperately need our help.

To date, almost 450 people have contributed, generating just over £30,000 (Charley and his family live in the UK), which translates to almost US $38,000.

For all those who are concerned about Charley and his family, I’ve asked his wife Claire to keep us updated on a weekly basis about how he’s doing. Her first entry is below.

Last night marked four weeks since Charley’s stroke. Ten days ago, we were hopeful that he was progressing well and the hospital was planning to transfer him back to a hospital in Leicester (the city we live in) to continue his recovery.

However, his condition deteriorated in the early part of last week and he was transferred back to intensive care and is back under sedation and on a ventilator. The medics are working tirelessly to keep him stable and comfortable until he’s well enough to face the treatments and physiotherapy needed to get him back.

We remain eternally grateful for the support, kind words and prayers of Crux and its readers.

Please keep Charley, Claire and their children in your prayers. If you can, please also contribute to the fund … as ever, we’ll be eternally grateful.