Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Anglican primate signs AI ethics statement backed by pontifical academy (Rome Call for AI Ethics)

Archbishop Jutin Welby of Canterbury, the Anglican primate, has signed the Rome Call for AI Ethics.

The Rome Call, which dates from 2020, was first signed by leaders of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Microsoft, IBM, and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. It was later signed by Jewish and Muslim representatives and, more recently, by the CEO of Cisco.

“I am delighted to support the Rome AI Call, which emphasizes the dignity of every human being amid technological change,” said Welby. “Let us all work to ensure that the dignity of every human being, created by God, not for profit or productivity, is central to all we do.”

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, said that “we are very pleased that, with the inclusion of our Anglican brothers and sisters, the Rome Call may experience a further step of growth. When reflection and dialogue on issues of technological development meet in a spirit of fraternity, it is possible to find shared paths and effective solutions to build peace and the common good.”