Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Anglicanism at a Crossroads

Orthodox Anglicans have something to cheer in this otherwise dismal year. On Ash Wednesday 2023, Anglican
leaders in the Global South rejected Canterbury’s decision to bless same-sex unions.
They declared they are “no longer able to recognize the present Archbishop of Canterbury, the Rt Hon and Revd Justin Welby, as the ‘first among equals’ Leader of the global Communion.” And in April of this past year,
another gathering of Anglican leaders joined this departure from Canterbury
. In total, 85 percent of the Anglican Communion is determined to “reset the Communion on its biblical foundations.” As progressive Anglicanism in the Global North continues to decline, orthodox Anglicanism in the Global South is booming. There are
more Anglicans
in church on Sunday morning in Nigeria alone, for instance, than in all of North America and Great Britain combined. Yet amidst this energy, there are worrying signs.

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