Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Angolan bishop denounces political corruption (ACI Africa)

Victory in an election is no excuse for subsequent corruption, an Angolan bishop said during a homily preached in the chapel of the Bishops’ Conference of Angola and São Tomé and Príncipe.

“It ends up being a governance that leaves nothing to be desired, because sometimes there’s corruption, there’s a lack of rectitude, there’s a lack of strict compliance with the law, God’s will is set aside and in this way we damage the people entrusted to us,” Bishop Vicente Carlos Kiaziku, OFM Cap, of Mbanza Congo (Angola) preached on November 15.

Angola has had only two presidents since 1979; the current president was his predecessor’s vice president. The southwestern African nation of 34.8 million (map) is 94% Christian (58% Catholic) and 5% ethnic religionist.