Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Another Round of Mask and Vaccine Hysteria?

WASHINGTON ( – Joe Biden is calling for a new COVID “vaccine” as mask mandates begin to creep back into society. 

The president addressed reporters on Friday while on vacation near Lake Tahoe. He discussed with them a reported increase in COVID-19 cases linked to a novel variant of the lab-engineered virus.

Joe Biden was booed during his Lake Tahoe vacation

“I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to Congress — a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary — that works,” he declared.

He continued, “Tentatively, it is recommended that it will likely be recommended everybody get it, no matter whether they’ve gotten it before or not.”

According to the Associated Press, the new gene therapy shot is anticipated to incorporate a version of the omicron strain, referred to as XBB.1.5. The current vaccine consists of a combination of “the original coronavirus strain with last year’s most prevalent omicron variants.”

This development comes almost a year after Biden, during an interview on CBS’ 60 Minutes last September, declared the so-called pandemic “over.” However, there has been a recent reintroduction of mask mandates by entities such as Lionsgate, a Hollywood studio, and several universities due to the propagation of the new variant.

This reinstatement contrasts with evidence that suggests both masks and the so-called vaccine are ineffective in curbing virus transmission. Moreover, concerns persist regarding the abortion-related aspects of the jab and its connection to an ongoing increase in cases of myocarditis, a serious heart problem, and other maladies since its release.

Several religious leaders inaccurately portrayed the experimental treatment as a moral obligation.

The vaccine, with its link to abortion, created significant disagreement within the Church, as many within the hierarchy celebrated and advocated for its use. Several religious leaders inaccurately portrayed the experimental treatment as a moral obligation. In December of 2020, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops asserted that “being vaccinated safely against COVID-19 should be considered an act of love of our neighbor and part of our moral responsibility for the common good.”


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News Report: American Bishops Refuse COVID Jab Exemptions

San Diego’s Cdl. Robert McElroy told the people of his diocese, “God has brought us vaccines that can heal us and heal our world. It is vitally important that all of us receive the COVID vaccine. The Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson vaccines are safe and effective.”

Concerns persist regarding … the jab and its connection to an ongoing increase in myocarditis.

Cdl. McElroy was among the prelates who told their priests not to issue religious exemptions to laymen seeking to avoid getting the jab. Other prominent dioceses and archdioceses, including Los Angeles, Honolulu, Philadelphia, New York and Camden, also declined to grant religious exemptions.

Lexington, Kentucky’s pro-gay bishop, John Stowe, proclaimed:

This is an urgent matter of public health and safety. There is no religious exemption for Catholics to being vaccinated, and Pope Francis has repeatedly called this a moral obligation. The health care system is now overwhelmed by a crisis caused primarily by those who refuse to protect themselves and others by getting vaccinated. This is unacceptable, and our diocese now joins those employers who have already made this basic commitment to the common good a requirement.

The resurgence of mask and vaccine mandates is sparking concerns of potential lockdown reinstatements. Most U.S. bishops supported lockdown measures, with some taking extended periods, even years, to restore the Sunday Mass obligation in their respective dioceses.

An investigation by the Associated Press revealed that bishops profited heavily from the lockdowns, receiving billions in taxpayer dollars from the U.S. government.

“Overall, the nation’s nearly 200 dioceses, where bishops and cardinals govern, and other Catholic institutions received at least $3 billion. That makes the Roman Catholic Church perhaps the biggest beneficiary” of the government aid program, according to the AP report.

More than 400 studies have shown that lockdowns don’t work. More than 170 studies and articles have illustrated the ineffectiveness and harmfulness of mask-wearing.

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