Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Argentina: Catholic Lawyers Go After the Abortion Law

73,487 abortions were performed in 2021 in Argentina and 96,664 in 2022, according to official data provided by the National Health Ministry’s National Directorate of Sexual and Reproductive Health of the.

These figures have raised the concern of the Catholic Lawyers Corporation as they have reached “alarming” limits and represent “a very serious moral and demographic tragedy” in a nation where “the murder of unborn children already accounts for 20% of the total number of births each year.”

This is why the Catholic lawyers group is calling on the Supreme Court of the Nation to “urgently allow the hearing of the many cases questioning the constitutionality of the abortion law, for violation of the essential and fundamental right to life,” according to a statement signed by Pedro Andereggen, president of the corporation and Carlos Mosso, secretary.

“The Catholic Lawyers Corporation is bringing to the attention of public opinion official data from the National Directorate of Sexual and Reproductive Health of the Ministry of Health of the Nation,… according to which, pursuant to Law 27.610, 73,487 abortions were performed across the country in 2021 and 96,664 abortions in 2022.”

“Each of these alarming figures highlights a very serious moral and demographic tragedy for our country, as the murder of unborn children already accounts for twenty percent of the total number of real births per year in the Argentine Republic.”

“It is therefore appropriate that the Supreme Court of Justice of the nation urgently allow the hearing of the numerous actions alleging unconstitutionality against the aforementioned law for violation of the essential and fundamental right to life, that have been systematically blocked by the nation’s Ministry of Health by formal barriers that frustrate the goal of protecting the processes engaged.”

“In particular taking into account the clarity of Law 26.061 on the full protection of the rights of children and adolescents which expressly allows all citizens to bring administrative and judicial actions in order to restore the exercise and enjoyment of these rights, through rapid and effective action.”

“On the other hand,” the press release continues, “according to a recent opinion poll, the majority of the population – 59% – is not in favor of voluntary abortion, which shows the political illegitimacy of the law, imposed for ideological reasons and partisan expediency – if not through negotiation and spurious pressure – during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“This deserves that the various political sectors propose the immediate repeal of this unjust law in order to stop this massive and bloody massacre of innocent and defenseless human beings.”

According to official data, more than 96,000 abortions were recorded in Argentina in 2022. The Catholic Lawyers Corporation cautions against these “alarming” numbers and challenges Argentina’s abortion law, because it was passed during the pandemic, as the numbers continue to rise.