Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Arriving in Hungary, Pope stresses European unity (Vatican News)

Arriving in Hungary on April 28 to begin the 41st foreign visit of his pontificate, Pope Francis placed a heavy emphasis on European unity—a delicate subject, in light of tensions between Hungary and other European nations.

In an address to Hungarian political leaders, gathered in a former Carmelite monastery in Budapest, the Pope said that in the aftermath of World War II, European unity reflected “the noble hope that, by working together for a closer bond between nations, further conflicts could be avoided.”

The founders of the European Union, the Pontiff continued, had the capacity to “look beyond their own times, beyond national boundaries and immediate needs.” He said that the European experiment entails “the need for openness toward others.” The papal address was a challenge to Hungary’s political leadership, which has capitalized on national pride and resisted mass immigration.