Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

At conference involving Church leaders and police, Pope condemns human trafficking (Crux)

The Santa Marta Group, which fosters cooperation between bishops and law enforcement in combating human trafficking, organized a three-day conference in Rome entitled “Catalysts to ending modern slavery: from intention to action.”

According to tweets from the May 17-19 conference, Cardinal Vincent Nichols of Westminster (England) said that “a priority is to break the financial model” that funds human trafficking. Cardinal Charles Bo of Myanmar spoke about organ trafficking.

“I thank you for your commitment in seeking to eradicate this criminal activity that violates the dignity and rights of men, women and children and leaves long-lasting effects upon individual victims and the broader society,” Pope Francis said in his address to participants in the conference. “The Church remains grateful for every expression of fraternal charity and care shown to all who have been enslaved and exploited, for in this way, God’s loving mercy becomes visible and the fabric of society is strengthened and renewed,”