Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Australian archbishop assesses strengths, weaknesses of ‘theologically thin’ Synod (Archdiocese of Sydney)

Archbishop Anthony Fisher, OP of Sydney has written a pastoral letter on the October Synod, in which he participated.

“Deep listening to each other, expressing feelings, resonating in table groups, will not always help us find what is true and right,” he wrote. “As one eminent theologian said to me: of the many synods he had attended, this one was the humanly best but theologically thinnest.”

“Some views may be half-baked, in need of nuance, or plain contrary to the apostolic tradition and the Church’s magisterium,” he continued. “Others might be genuinely prophetic, creative adaptations of the tradition, or helpful re-formulations and actions. But the method used in this first assembly didn’t really help to clarify which are which. A different method will surely be required next time around,” in October 2024.