Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Authenticity is key to evangelization, Pope tells Hungarian Jesuits (Civilta Cattolica)

Meeting with his fellow Jesuits on April 29, Pope Francis said: “Young people do not tolerate double-talk.” The key to reaching young people, the Pope said, is authenticity.

As has become his custom during a foreign visit, the Pope made time to meet with Jesuits for a question-and-answer session in Budapest, and the transcript of his exchange was posted by the Jesuit journal Civilta Cattolica. During the meeting the Pope also said:

Reaction against the modern is “a nostalgic disease,” and that is the reason why he insisted that priests obtain permission to celebrate the traditional liturgy.
“Even talking to an abuser makes us sick,” yet even those who abuse children need pastoral care. “The abuser is to be condemned, indeed, but as a brother. Condemning him is to be understood as an act of charity.”
During his tenure as Jesuit provincial under a military regime, “the situation in Argentina was bewildering and it was not at all clear what should be done… It was a very painful affair.”