Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Belittling Baptism

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Pro-sodomy Jesuits took to Twitter yesterday to blame the Church for invalid baptisms. Church Militant’s Hunter Bradford explains that words have profound meaning, especially in the context of the sacraments. 

Heterodox priest James Martin quoted his leftist consort Fr. Thomas Reese, claiming, “The real problem here is that the Vatican is treating the traditional words of baptism like a computer password. Without it, you cannot get into the Church.”

This was a reference to Phoenix bishop Thomas Olmsted’s announcement in January that Fr. Andres Arango performed thousands of invalid baptisms for his whole priesthood — nearly 27 years.  

During the baptism ceremony, Arango had been using the phrase “we baptize you” rather than the correct words — “I baptize you.” 

David Gordon, J.D., M.A.: “Each sacrament has with it the matter of the sacrament, the form of the sacrament, and the corresponding intention that the minister has to have in order to properly confect the sacrament.” 

He responded, “It saddens me to learn that I have performed invalid baptisms throughout my ministry as a priest by regularly using an incorrect formula.” 

The Vatican clarified in June 2020 that replacing “I baptize” with “we baptize” renders the baptism invalid.

After the Vatican’s explanation, Reese blamed the Church for the confusion, saying the “Vatican cause[d] chaos by invalidating” the formula.

But how is it that Arango went through the seminary and was active for more than two decades without knowing the proper words to confer the sacrament of baptism?

Gordon: “The seminaries are teaching bad theology. It’s because they have an ideological objection to the words of these sacraments, just like they have an ideological objection to the words of the Creed.”

For well over 50 years, liturgical abuse has been tolerated and even encouraged. It’s a Church-wide problem. But it’s especially worrying for people who thought they were baptized but actually weren’t. 

Last year, a priest right here in the archdiocese of Detroit watched a video of his own baptism and realized the deacon didn’t use the right words. As a result, he learned he was not validly ordained and all his Masses and confessions were invalid. He had to go through the sacraments all over again, and the archdiocese had to contact thousands of Catholics to let them know.

— Campaign 32075 —