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Biden Attacks Religion


There’s a secret attack going on against religion, and it’s being launched by the bishops’ favorite Catholic — the one their silence helped get into the Oval Office.

For everyone who thinks Congress and the White House and the courts are three coequal branches of government, then you must be living in a state that has legalized pot. The imperial presidency is running amok in a war against God (which is to say, more specifically, Christianity and, directly, Catholicism).

The executive branch, meaning the president and all his cabinets and departments, wields enormous power and is able to use that power almost secretly — through an instrument known as “notice of proposed rulemakings.”

What that translates down to for all the non-bureaucrats out there is this: Of the millions of rules and regulations that exist that began with Congress or the White House, each executive department is able to go into those rules and “amend” them. That means redefine, broaden, narrow the scope, and so forth.

Each executive department is able to go into those rules and ‘amend’ them.

In order to do that, they first drum up a change. Then they serve notice that they will be having public hearings, which gives the public a chance to offer their input. The media never really covers any of this because they’re in bed with Biden and like his changes.

So the public doesn’t really hear about these meetings — and even if they did and showed up, they’d get the polite “thank you” and then be ignored anyway. What almost no one knows is just how many of these notices of proposed rulemakings are going on and, then, that the rules are being changed, with religion getting screwed severely in the process.

For example, and there are many, there are currently not one but two proposals in place aimed directly at violating the conscience rights of workers at religious hospitals. Health and Human Services will soon require them to perform abortions and gender reassignment surgery.

Those types of rules have already been rejected by federal courts on the grounds of religious liberty being trampled, but Biden and his commie God-hating friends don’t care. They, unlike most conservatives, just keep battering the wall until it collapses.

Of course, this means that health care providers and workers will shortly have to choose between their professional obligations and their faith. Yes, of course, it will go to court again, and after years of litigation and millions of dollars in legal fees, who knows?

Then there are the changes coming via Biden’s education department whereby proposed rules will extend the definition of “sex discrimination” so that it includes not just speech, but also conduct that could be interpreted — and here is the key — subjectively as discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation and also identity.

Biden’s education bureaucrats are also targeting the Religious Liberty and Free Inquiry rule. That protects religious student organizations from universities going after them because of their beliefs. 

While the stated purpose of the existing rule is to protect religious groups from college administrators, Biden’s goons are turning it inside out and saying it gives “preferential treatment” to those students and therefore needs to be changed, meaning the groups would have to accept members who don’t agree with their beliefs.

But wait, there’s more.

Faith-based social-help groups are going to see their efforts greatly curtailed because the government is going to stop giving them money to help with the homeless, soup kitchens, warming centers and so forth, if they don’t change their religious viewpoints.

Get in line with the Party, or else.

In short, get in line with the Party, or get your tax dollars chocked off. Screw the marginalized who depend on you for help. There are many other proposed rule changes — sounds so boring and innocuous, doesn’t it? — that are also coming down the pike.

This is all being done to marginalize religion and religious beliefs. And what’s especially galling for Catholics is that it was the silence of the bishops that helped get that walking Catholic cadaver in the Oval Office to begin with.

So it will be interesting to see, when the money is held in front of them as a carrot, what rationalization they will come up with to keep taking it. Remember what they did when pandemic hit. Never forget that. It’s your blueprint.


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