Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Billings for Truth

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As the Church goes, so goes the culture. But sadly, many Catholics who should be out fighting are blind to this truth.  

Church Militant was able to sit down with a Catholic conservative powerhouse who is on the front lines of this spiritual battle for America. In tonight’s In-Depth Report, Church Militant’s James Fedewa follows the touching story of a patriot podcaster. 

Doug Billings, host of The Right Side podcast, is a Catholic father of two and a passionate voice in the conservative world.

Church Militant got to sit down with Billings in McAllen, Texas for an exclusive interview, where he talked about his Catholic faith and other motivators in his life.

Doug Billings:

As Catholics, you know, the Church that was founded by Jesus and developed by the Apostles, I got to tell you, just as much as I’ve been disappointed in some of the conservatives throughout the last few decades, the Church really hasn’t taken the lead as She should — and priests and our parish priests and our bishops. 

Billings is an avid critic of the Democratic Party. He says the Democrats have lost their status as a true American political party.

Doug Bilings: “When we start looking at the election fraud, child sex trafficking, the chaos that the Biden administration has thrust upon the country, I’m forced to draw a couple conclusions. One is there is no more Democratic Party. In the elected class we have commu-socialists.”

What’s even more conspicuous about the Commu-Socialist Party is that over 30% of sitting Democrats identify as Catholic

Doug Billings: “I don’t think you can be Catholic and vote for a Democrat whose platform is to kill a baby. … I mean, it’s barbaric.”

Doug has spoken at many talks and rallies around the country. His traveling companions are his son Michael, who has autism, and loyal service dog, Jet. 

Doug Billings: 

Michael’s almost always happy. He takes joy in the simple. He’s loving. He has no prejudices, no venom. So I love the fact that Michael is who he is. If God were to come down and say, “Hey Doug, I’d be happy to make Michael a typical young man for you,” I would say, “No, thank you.” I’d get on my knees and say, “No, thank you, God.”

Michael also has a brother, and the two boys comprise a significant part of Doug’s motivation to reforge the country as a republic founded upon the providence of God
Doug’s podcast offers conservative, political and social commentary about the news of the day. 

Doug Billings: “2022 is going to be the year where the divine providence of God is reborn in such a way that it’s never been seen before.”

He has interviewed many big names, including Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Mike Lindell and even Canadian pastor Artur Pawlowski.

Artur Pawlowski: “Listen, my God is bigger than their God.”

The enemy’s forces are on a rampage across the country, but faithful Catholics like Doug Billings won’t go down without a fight.

The Right Side with Doug Billings gets a hefty 4 million people watching or listening every month.

If you want to check it out, go to

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