Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Black Votes Turn Red


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Black Americans are escaping the Democrat plantation. And there’s a growing wave of female Black conservatives emerging. Though still small, this shift may put an end to the Democratic Party.

Nadia Hazimeh has the scoop.

Randy Gay, cohost, What’s Right What’s Left podcast: “Do I see more people coming over? I think, yeah. I think you’re seeing that in the back room. But we still need to bring it out to the mainstream, that it’s okay to switch sides.”

Friday, pro-life advocate Catherine Davis told BABL attendees she is running for governor of Georgia. One of her competitors is radical leftist Stacey Abrams.

Catherine Davis: “I’m coming for you, Stacey. You know I don’t view Stacey Abrams as being a real threat. I honestly don’t.”

The single most reliable vote in the world for Democrats is African American women. About 90% of them consistently vote blue. In 2016, they made up 6.6% of the population — nearly all were of voting age.

Donald Trump: “What do you have to lose by trying something new like Trump? What do you have to lose?”

Trump won the hearts of many Black Americans, and he loved them right back.

Terrence Williams: “I am sitting next to the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln.”

In 2018, he pardoned Alice Johnson, who was sentenced to life in prison for a first-time drug offense.

Alice Johnson: “I’m free to live life. I’m free to start over. I cannot — this is the greatest day of my life.”

And depending on how data is analyzed, a majority of young, Black, self-identified conservative males voted for Trump in 2020.

Gay: “Well, I think what people are missing, especially people from our point of view, anybody who goes to the gas pump now, should realize if they voted for the current people, it was a mistake. Unless you wanted higher prices.”

Democrats fear the Black vote is being whittled away. All Republicans need is to peel a small percentage of African Americans away from them.

Felecia Killings, author: “This is pretty much the experience for a lot of Black Americans. We are conservative in our values.”

If more Black conservative women begin to rise like Black men did, Democrats are assured the nail in the coffin.

An exit poll following the 2020 election found five more percent of Black women voted for Trump compared to his 2016 run.