Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Border Chief Ignores Invasion, Caters to Woke Gender Norms

WASHINGTON ( – Biden’s border chief is prioritizing woke gender norms over protecting the homeland from an invasion of illegal immigrants.

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas 

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas is now directing border guards to ask border crossers their preferred pronouns, taking care not to “misgender” them.

The Oversight Project at the Heritage Foundation revealed the policy in a Nov. 17 post on X. “We just obtained [Customs and Border Patrol] documents directing personnel to only use woke language when encountering individuals invading the United States,” the watchdog group noted.

According to the documents, Customs and Border Patrol agents must use careful language when greeting illegal aliens. For example, “I would like to be respectful — what name and pronoun would you like me to use when addressing you?”

The documents also present a list of “do nots” CBP agents must follow, including:

Use “he, him, she, her” pronouns until you have more information
Use “Mr.,” “Mrs.,” “Ms.,” etc. until you know more
Refer to LGBTQI+ as a “choice” or “lifestyle”
Offer personal opinions
Label LGBTQI+ people based on how they look or sound before you know how they identify.

In addition, border agents are required to limit their questions to those necessary to provide health care and ensure the safety and security of border crossers. Agents are further ordered to protect the confidentiality of border crossers by not discussing their sexual orientation with other agents.

Over 6 million illegal immigrants have crossed the U.S. border since Mayorkas assumed control of homeland security in 2021.

Observers on X point out that Biden and Mayorkas are simply “Doing the UN’s bidding.” One social media user noted “the [LGBTQI+] policies are straight out of the United Nations International Organization for Migration guidance on proper gender language and migrants.”

Doing the UN’s bidding.
Biden’s policies are straight out of the United Nations International Organization for Migration guidance on proper gender language and migrants. 12 page PDF here

— The Post-Critical Examiner (@pcexaminer) November 18, 2023

According to recent reports, over 6 million illegal immigrants have crossed the U.S. border since Mayorkas assumed control of homeland security in 2021, costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars each year.

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