Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Boston Catholics are fighting evil with prayer

BOSTON ( – Local Catholics are planning to fight back with prayer against an upcoming satanic conference. 

Catholics in the Boston area are outraged and will take to prayer and reparations against the evils of the Satanic Temple’s “SatanCon 2023,” scheduled for April 28–30.

Local Catholic and member of the Order of St. Michael, Talon VanAdler, tells Church Militant:

This convention shows to the American public the brazenness of the reigning philosophical and religious mindsets — within a highly commercial hotel in one of America’s largest cities are those willing to take money over principles and basic decency. Many of my brothers in the faith are worried rightfully for the safety of their churches, the Eucharist, and even the minds of their children. The Satanists chose Boston because when all is said and done, we are a city that is strong. Strong in Tradition, Strong in Identity, and most of all — Strong in Faith. 

“Boston is a City that holds the Faith of the Nation, so the enemies of God shall not win favor or be welcome here. To all my brothers in faith, Catholic or otherwise, pray and work for your city,” continued VanAdler.

Aux Bp. Mark O’Connell 

(Photo: The Boston Pilot)

In a statement to Catholics in the archdiocese, Aux Bp. Mark O’Connell commented, “It is important for the Archdiocese of Boston to have a response as many are disturbed by this; however, our response must be balanced and focused on prayer. The balance is between countering its intended evil effects, and, drawing attention to it and making it more prominent.”

The auxiliary bishop also warned every parish to be especially vigilant during April in regard to the distribution of Holy Communion to derail any satanist’s attempt to steal our Blessed Lord for wicked ends.

Many parishes, shrines and monasteries across the archdiocese will offer eucharistic adoration, processions, prayer, conferences, reconciliation and Masses throughout the weekend to counteract the evils planned at SatanCon.

Church Militant’s Resistance chapter in Boston played a role in Boston’s plans early on by speaking with archdiocesan representatives about the need to have a strong response of prayer to the wickedness coming to town.

Our response must be balanced and focused on prayer.

The chapter also purchased two electronic billboards to promote prayer and boldness in the face of evil. 

The demonic gathering takes place at the Marriott Copley Place in downtown Boston and is dedicated to Mayor Michelle Wu for what the Temple calls “her unconstitutional efforts to keep TST out of Boston’s public spaces.”

Theme & Events

The theme for the sold-out event, which the Temple says is the largest satanic gathering in history, is “Hexennacht in Boston.” Hexennacht, meaning “witches’ night,” stems from German tradition.


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News Report: Catholics vs. Satanists

A promotional video for the “weekend of blasphemy and remembrance,” as the Temple calls it, includes the Latin phrase “Sicut matribus, sit Satanas nobis.” This translates to “let satan be to us as a mother.”

Among the advertised presentations during the weekend are:

Hellbillies: Visible Satanism in Rural America
Deconstructing Your Religious Upbringing
Reclaiming the Trans Body: A/theisitic Strategies for Self-Determination and Empowerment
Sins of the Flesh: Satanism and Self-Pleasure
Re-imagining Lilith as an Archetype for Reproductive Justice
The Devil is in All of You: The Changing Face of Satan in Cinema  

Other events include a “Satanic Ball” and “Sober Mass.”

Let Satan be to us as a mother.

In a response to OSV News, the Temple portrayed the “Sober Mass” as “a somber and empowering ceremony that honors all those who endured mistreatment, have been harmed, or lost due to pseudoscience and superstition in the fields of addiction and recovery.”

The Temple also claimed that “there are no Catholic elements in the ceremony or SatanCon,” an assertion that many Catholics call absurd and blatantly false.

— Campaign 31877 —