Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Brazilian bishops’ commission: Israel is committing a ‘true genocide’ in Gaza (Crux)

The Brazilian bishops’ conference’s Justice and Peace Commission has released a letter, signed by more than 100 Catholic and other organizations, expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Citing the “terrifying percentage of children, women and the elderly” killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza, the letter described the attacks as a “true genocide.”

“In tune with Pope Francis and with the cry of so many Catholics and activists in Brazil, we wished to manifest our concern with the Palestinian people and our solidarity to them,” said Daniel Seidel, who leads the commission. “We couldn’t remain silent only to avoid problems with conservative groups. In times of synodality, we have been more and more looking for ways to be able to express ourselves.”

The Brazilian bishops’ commission’s statement has added significance because Brazil has more Catholics than any other nation.