Order. Discipline. Brotherhood. Greatness.



Back in the day, one of our heroes here at Church Militant, the Venerable Abp. Fulton Sheen, correctly observed: “The world is rapidly being divided into two camps: the comradeship of anti-Christ and the brotherhood of Christ. The lines between these two are being drawn.”

As we said, that was back in the day.

Fast forward more than half a century, and it’s pretty safe to say that the lines are no longer being drawn but are pretty bright. Notice Sheen’s own line-drawing is showing the lay of the land: Brothers share the same blood and are united because of their bonds. Comrades simply share the same ideology and are united in their pursuit of destruction, with a healthy dose of self-interest mixed in.

The line drawn between the forces of Christ and anti-Christ relates directly to communism — and not really the economic aspect but the theological aspect. At the heart of communism is not so much godlessness per se, but rather a swapping of gods. It’s the overthrow of God and the replacement of Him by the State.

Their final obstacle is the last remaining vestiges of Christian morality, specifically Catholic morality.

For all the bluster on the Left (that would be the communist Left, as it has now been revealed), it’s not so much about their adherence to atheism, but rather what god. Communists aren’t atheists in any way beyond the most strict sense. True, they reject the notion of a divinity, a supernatural life, a personal Creator and all of that. But when it comes to the idea of “all-powerful” or omnipotence, they embrace it because they view the State as stepping in and filling that role. But we need to break it down even further.

For communists, the State also doesn’t really exist. The State is always run by someone — a person, a ruling class or elites. For communism, despite all the lies about “power to the people,” the State is merely the mechanism whereby a select few or a single individual rules over all. The State serves as the bureaucracy by which the will of the elite is exerted — nothing more.

Therefore, power, authority and rule are simply transferred from God as He is in Himself, to a human who acts as God — hence, Sheen’s reference to the anti-Christ. When Sheen first said those words, the picture was not clear, at least not in many minds of the time. But now it is abundantly clear, and the communist Left is quite open about it.

The final push is in high gear now, and they won’t stop until they have what they want. Their final obstacle is the last remaining vestiges of Christian morality, specifically Catholic morality. That’s why it was so important to worm their way into the Church almost a century ago, to undermine the sacred offices which espouse that morality.

Antonio Gramsci, the founder of the Italian Communist Party, recognized the need to overthrow the Catholic Church because it was the underpinning of cultural morality. He said it wasn’t enough to simply get rid of capitalism and existing political structures, but communism would have to go to the root and destroy the cultural system upon which those structures emerged.

The moral system he spoke of —the particular worldview — was Catholicism, announcing the truth of the dignity of man made in the image and likeness of God; the truth that this thereby grants to man certain rights that the State may not take away. If you are a person or group seeking to wrest control from the prevailing order built on Catholicism, then sooner or later, you must attack Catholicism itself.

And the most prominent example playing out right now is the fight over abortion and the likelihood of Roe v. Wade being overturned by the end of the month. Protestant buildings are being defaced, burned down and vandalized. Catholic churches are being attacked. The communist anger over the possibility of Roe v. Wade’s impending demise isn’t so much about abortion per se but rather what abortion accomplishes. Abortion is the highest form of rejection of Catholic morality.

That’s why we see all the signs and hear all the chants about keeping “your rosaries off my ovaries” and “your theology out of my uterus.” Abortion becomes the means by which communists can lock down their power because it totally undermines all goodness. It turns mothers into murderers; weaponizes the powers of the State against the most defenseless; tears away from God the power over life and death; becomes a litmus test to hold office.

An entire multibillion-dollar industry is created that fuels political campaigns and keeps the forces of the anti-Christ in power. Of course, something so evil as child-killing would spawn so many other evils as well.

The family is destroyed because the hookup culture becomes supreme. Men are “unshackled” from their responsibility to exercise self-control, and women are duped into thinking liberty is their ability to sleep around. The entire moral fabric of the culture is torn away as sex becomes about pleasure and nothing more.

Consequently, we see the rise of sodomy, the perversion of children by drag queens in schools and the entire curriculum based on sexual distortion and confusion. This has been able to advance this far because generations of people who thought this wouldn’t happen sat by as it was happening.

All the while, anti-Christ was busy in political as well as Church circles and now there is only a narrow window left to repel all this. This is the sole impetus for Church Militant’s upcoming “Call to Action” convention to be held here in Detroit in late August.

We cannot overstress the importance of coming to this convention and learning how to combat all this evil — both in the Church and the culture, specifically the political realm. The whole point is to equip you with strategies and tools to fight back in your own communities.

We cannot overstress the importance of coming to this convention and learning how to combat all this evil.

Anyone attending the convention already knows the peril their families, their loved ones and their nation are in, so there won’t be any speeches and so forth about all that. We already know. However, there will be experts who have been on the frontlines of this battle in the Church and the culture or both who are now willing to train you to engage in the battle.

The world has changed, and the only valid response on the part of the brotherhood of Christ is to now sacrifice to rise up and confront the comradeship of anti-Christ. There is no guarantee that a culture so far gone can be saved. But there is a guarantee that to not fight to save it ensures its defeat.

Please click here to learn the details and register for the Church Militant “Call to Action” convention.


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