Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Call to Abortion


Almost a week after the U.S. Supreme Court terminated Roe v. Wade, Catholics across the world are rejoicing, apathetic or bloodthirsty.

In tonight’s In-Depth Report, Church Militant’s Aidan O’Connor takes a closer look at a call to diabolical action.

A dissident Catholic group is opposing Church teaching and denying human dignity.

Call To Action published a response Tuesday to the Supreme Court’s life-saving Dobbs decision.

The progressive group wrote, “This most recent, devastating news represents another turn toward state-sponsored violence, racism and misogyny in the United States.”

The so-called Catholic group continued its lament, proclaiming:

Call To Action affirms that all Catholics should have access to safe, legal and affordable abortion care without discrimination, harassment, criminalization or fear for their physical well-being. Reproductive justice is social justice — and there is no justice when laws punish pregnant people for their medical decisions or their pregnancy outcomes.

This, while the Catholic Church categorically condemns both abortion and cooperation with abortion as grave evils.

Detroit’s infamous Cdl. John Dearden started Call To Action in the ’60s, aiming to transform the Church.

Cardinal Dearden launched so-called listening sessions, which culminated in a synodal meeting that eventually festered into Call To Action.

Leftist media hailed Dearden as America’s “most liberal” cleric and eagerly began peddling his progressive agenda.

The New York Times wrote, “[T]he character of the delegation is clearly reformist … .”

Faithful Catholics quickly realized the conference’s danger.

One priest who was present at the first Call to Action in 1976 wrote, “The purpose of the action was liberty and justice for all. But the theme actually developed by the conference was ‘A Call to Revolution.’ And the purpose of the revolution was a classless Church for all.”

Russell Kirk, a prominent Catholic philosopher, announced, “Call to Action was the monstrous baby of Cdl. Dearden of Detroit … .”

Dearden chose the Motor City as a breeding ground for his revolutionary idea that, with the neglect of the U.S. bishops’ conference, metastasized.

A movement that started gay Masses, promoted female ordination and endorsed contraception has now reached the bottom line: child murder.

Church Militant is hosting its own Call to Action here in Detroit, teaching faithful Catholics how to combat the dissonant pro-death movement.