Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Calling on Pro-Life Voters

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Since the Supreme Court returned authority to individual states to make decisions regarding abortion, many states are clamoring to legalize baby killing with amendments to their constitutions.

In tonight’s In-Depth Report, I take a closer look at three of those states and why pro-life voters must flood voting booths this fall.

Sen. Toni Atkins, D-Calif., president pro tempore: “My colleagues and I are ensuring that the fundamental right to abortion and contraception will be protected by our state Constitution.” 

The day the Supreme Court overturned RoeCalifornia eagerly announced plans to codify abortion in its Constitution. Senate Constitutional Amendment 10 (SCA 10) passed both California’s Senate and Assembly last month.

Golden State residents will vote in November on whether to adopt the amendment, which reads, “The state shall not deny or interfere with an individual’s reproductive freedom, which includes their fundamental right to choose to have an abortion.”

State senator Toni Atkins introduced SCA 10 in May along with California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon.

Sen. Anthony Rendon, D-Calif., speaker, CA Assembly: “SCA 10 will give Californians the opportunity to enshrine a women’s fundamental right to reproductive freedom into our state Constitution.” 

Nearly 2,000 miles away, in the swing state of Michigan, abortion advocates submitted ample signatures required to bring before voters a statewide pro-abort referendum.

Shanay Watson-Whittaker, spokesperson, Reproductive Freedom for All : “The people of Michigan are turning in 753,759 signatures to enshrine into the state Constitution the right to reproductive freedom.”

The amendment would allow physicians to perform abortions during any stage of a woman’s pregnancy. If signatures pass muster, the proposal will go before voters in November. Abortion advocates and pro-life groups vow to duke it out with rallies and ads ahead of the vote.

And in Vermont, where 70% of residents support abortion, Republican governor Phil Scott announced voters will see Proposal 5 on November’s general election ballot.

The proposed amendment states, “That an individual’s right to personal reproductive autonomy is central to the liberty and dignity to determine one’s own life course and shall not be denied.”

Critics maintain it goes beyond Roe to allow abortion up until birth. Supporters say they want it that way and believe voters will usher it in.

Lucy Leriche, VP of Public Policy, Planned Parenthood, VT: “This is going to cause people to act, I absolutely believe so. I don’t think energy around this is going to wane. I think it’s going to accelerate and increase.”

To put the brakes on these extreme pro-abort measures, pro-lifers in California, Michigan and Vermont must reject them with their vote this November.

It’s worth noting, Michigan’s Democrat governor Gretchen Whitmer has blocked the Republican Legislature’s efforts to limit abortion, and of course, she is up for re-election this fall.

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