Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Cameroon’s bishops rip Vatican instruction, forbid all blessings of homosexual couples (ACI Africa)

Describing the Vatican’s recent declaration on the blessing of same-sex couples as “hypocritical,” the bishops of Cameroon (map) have “formally forbid[den] all blessings of ‘homosexual couples.’”

“We, the bishops of Cameroon, reiterate our disapproval of homosexuality and homosexual unions,” the nation’s bishops stated, as they noted they spoke unanimously. “Consequently, we formally forbid all blessings of ‘homosexual couples’ in the Church of Cameroon.”

“Differentiating between liturgical and non-liturgical contexts in order to apply the blessing to same sex ‘couples’ is hypocritical,” they continued. “The act of blessing, whether performed in a liturgical assembly or in private, remains a blessing.”

The bishops explained, “Literally, ‘To bless is to speak well of’. And to ‘speak well of’ in order to gain grace through the gesture of blessing a ‘homosexual couple’ would be tantamount to encouraging a choice and a practice of life that cannot be recognized as being objectively ordered to the revealed designs of God.”

Citing Sacred Scripture, the bishops described homosexual practice as an “abomination.” The prelates added, “ln the history of peoples, the practice of homosexuality has never led to societal evolution, but is a clear sign of the imploding decadence of civilizations. ln fact, homosexuality sets humanity against itself and destroys it … Homosexuality is not a human right.”