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Canadian court confirms Jordan Peterson must have ‘social media training’ (National Post)

A court in Ontario has upheld the decision of the College of Psychologists that Jordan Peterson must undergo “social-media training” or lose his license to practice.

The College had argued that although Peterson has not practiced as a psychologist for years, he is commonly identified as a clinical psychologist, and his public statements on issues such as gender ideology could be harmful to some people.

The Ontario court ruled that members of a profession “take on obligations and must abide by the rules of their regulatory body that may limit their freedom of expression.” In this case, the court said: “Requiring coaching following apparently unheeded advice seems a reasonable next step.”

Peterson promised to appeal the ruling. He noted that “none of the people whose complaints are being currently pursued were ever clients of mine, or even knew clients of mine, or even knew or were acquainted with any of the people they claim I am harming.”

Peterson added: “If you think that you have a right to free speech in Canada you’re delusional.”