Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Cardinal Cupich: Synod critics mischaracterize the Synod’s aim (Chicago Catholic)

“We unfortunately have witnessed recent statements by some taking issue with Holy Father’s decision to call a synod on synodality,” Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago wrote in an archdiocesan newspaper column. “Among the mistaken assertions, which are stoking fears, is that the gathering in Rome this October will radically alter Church teaching and practice, align both with secular ideas and result in schism.”

“History has shown that the use of fear tactics by those who resist any kind of renewal that involves change is not new,” he continued. “These modern day ‘prophets of doom’ totally mischaracterize the aim of the synod on synodality. The main question for the upcoming synod is: How are we to remain faithful to Christ’s own plan for the Church? This is a question St. Pope John Paul II insisted the Church must continually raise.”