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Cardinal Müller speaks of ‘false prophets,’ fears for the Synod (InfoVaticana (Spanish))

Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the former prefect of the (then) Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, has expressed his concerns about the Synod on Synodality in unusually blunt language, in an interview with the Spanish-language site InfoVaticana.

The German cardinal said that “I pray all this will be a blessing and not a harm to the Church.” But he insisted that the Synod must not become “a political dance around the golden calf of the agnostic spirit of the age.”

Cardinal Müller spoke “false prophets”—including “even bishops who no longer believe in God as the origin and end of man and the Savior of the world. He voiced his fears that the Synod would focus on issues such as climate change rather than the Catholic faith.

The Synod must not and cannot change Catholic doctrine, the cardinal stressed. “No one on earth can change, add to, or take away from the Word of God.”

Regarding suggestions that the Synod might open the way for church blessings of same-sex couples, he said such an action would be “a direct contradiction of God’s word and will, a gravely sinful blasphemy.” He added that not even the Pope or the bishops could approve such radical changes, “because they contradict Revelation and the clear confession of the Church.”

Regarding the relationship between the Pontiff and the world’s bishops, Cardinal Müller said that the Synod should focus on “the Pope’s collegial relationship with the bishops, who are not his subordinates but his brothers in the same apostolic office.”