Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Coptic Orthodox Expose Vatican’s Naked Modernism

Above: Pope Francis and Baba Tawadros II in Cairo in 2017. © L’Osservatore Romano The Coptic Orthodox Church has now suspended its ecumenical dialogue with Rome. This is in the context of a decades-long struggle for true Eastern ressourcement, in the face of the false Neo-Modernist Ecumenism. Let’s have some of the context to shed […]

Saltem Diebus Dominicis: Laetare Sunday 4th of Lent – We are our rites

We are now, on this 4th Sunday of Lent, 21 days from Easter. During Lent we have been fasting and abstaining from liturgical ornaments, making our sacred worship more austere as befits a penitential season. However, today some flowers are permitted on the altar and some instrumental music can convey the holy texts. We use […]

How (and Why) to Make Your Own Trad Men’s Conference

The Canadian Men’s conference had a successful second year. The venue was moved from the former hotel to a new one with more space, and it sold out. The event began as every men’s gathering should: with bagpipes. I’ve been blessed to be a small part of this event since it first started, headed by […]

The Demise of Church Militant

News broke last week that Church Militant had lost a defamation lawsuit to the tune of $500,000 and would cease operations in April as a result. The staff of Church Militant have already been carrying the heavy cross of the public repentance of Michael Voris which he announced this past November. As I said back […]

The FSSP Suffers for the Long Game

The eyes of the Trad world were on Rome last week when the Holy Father received in audience several clerical heads of the priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, including Fr. Andrzej Komorowski, Superior General of the FSSP, Fr. Benoît Paul-Joseph, Superior of the District of France, and Fr. Vincent Ribeton, Rector of St. Peter’s Seminary […]

St James the Greater and Catholic Militancy

Above: a painting of Santiago Matamoros (St. James the Moor Slayer) by Juan Carreño de Miranda (1614-1685) The Pilgrimage of Nuestra Señora de la Cristiandad to Covadonga in Spain concluded last year on the eve of the Solemnity of St James the Greater, Apostle and Patron of Spain, celebrated the following day on Tuesday 25th […]

Saltem Diebus Dominicis: 3rd Sunday of Lent – The Enemy

With this Sunday we enter, already, into the second part of Lent. The 20th century liturgical writer Pius Parsch (+1954) puts it in The Church’s Year of Grace, during the first two weeks prepare against attacks by the Prince of this world, the Devil and fallen angels, with the weapon of mortifications. On this Sunday […]

Liturgy of the Home Family in Need

Ever since Kennedy Hall introduced me to the Liturgy of the Home calendars, my children have benefited from daily catechesis provided by the Harrison family. I have promoted this great work for families here on OnePeterFive more than once. Here’s the current calendar for Lent: Now the Harrison family have experienced a heavy cross as […]

The Next Pope: Anonymous Cardinal Warns Fellow Cardinals

In the waning days of Pope Francis’ pontificate, many are wondering: who are the likely candidates for the next papal election? This topic picks up steam from time to time and the intrigue around the changing of the papacy is not new to this pontificate (see this book published in 1995). The conversation about Francis’ […]

Another Bishop Makes Urgent Appeal

A few months after we reported on Bishop’s Schneider’s new spiritual crusade for 2024, recently Cardinal Burke has launched his own initiative: a nine-month Novena imploring Our Lady of Guadalupe to deliver the Church. His effort immediately reminded me of the nine year novena of Poles against the Communists led by Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński back […]