Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

More Magnificent Than Any Cathedral

Venerable (Ven.) Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty, who was incarcerated, tortured, and exiled by the Nazis and his Hungarian Communist Government before his death, once wrote some of the most poignant pro-life words ever recorded: The Most Important Person on earth is a mother. She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. She need […]

Diebus Saltem Dominicis: We don’t have a vacation from prayer.

I must keep this brief today… briefer.   I hear loud shouts of joy even through my monitor.  In short, “life happened” in the last couple of days.  Thus, my lateness and brevity.  Though it doesn’t make too much difference if you get this before or after Mass.  It is a good practice to review the […]

The Uses (and Abuses) of Schmaltz

Above: The Love Song by Norman Rockwell (1926) The word “Schmaltz” is an intriguing one – and well-worth our meditation, as we venture through the Christmas season, and on at last to St. Valentine’s Day (which is also Ash Wednesday this year), as well as Washington and Lincoln’s birthdays. In the German from which it comes originally, […]

13 Good Things Pope Francis Has Done

Part I The Third Pornocracy: the Current Crisis in the Church Part II Pornocracy and the Coming Reign of Antichrist Part III Good out of Evil Papal Corruption Part IV Pope Francis: Worst Pope in History? To conclude our series we must look into some of the aspects of the Francis pontificate that have been […]

Pope Francis: Worst Pope in History? (Pornocracy, pt. 4)

Part I The Third Pornocracy: the Current Crisis in the Church Part II Pornocracy and the Coming Reign of Antichrist Part III Good out of Evil Papal Corruption First, Let’s Be Honest About the History of Persecution I’ve spent nearly eleven years of my life as a Catholic, and all of it under Pope Francis. […]

Prayer Imploring for Holy Popes

Praised be Jesus Christ! Dear faithful Catholics, especially those who suffer as they witness our Holy Mother Church live through an unprecedented crisis. Dear Catholic fathers and mothers of families! Dear Catholic young people! Dear innocent Catholic children! And especially dear religious contemplative Sisters, the spiritual gems of the Church! Dear Catholic seminarians! Dear Catholic […]

Pope Francis Hopes Jesus Was Wrong…

Editor’s note: with the latest scandal against the Faith from the Roman Pontiff himself, we recall how Scalfari reported that the Pope did not believe in the dogma of hell, and the Vatican’s failure to condemn this heresy in a political newspeak non-answer. This latest scandal seems to confirm, in some way, that the Pope […]

Pornocracy, pt. 3: Good out of Evil Papal Corruption

Part I The Third Pornocracy: the Current Crisis in the Church Part II Pornocracy and the Coming Reign of Antichrist   One of the greatest parts of the Summa, or at least my favorite, is when St. Thomas considers the best argument against the existence of God: Objection 1. It seems that God does not exist; because if one […]

Pornocracy, pt. 2: the Coming Reign of Antichrist

Read part I The Third Pornocracy: the Current Crisis in the Church The term “pornocracy” is brutally grotesque, and yet it is honest. It is helpful, I believe, because the term truly describes the reality of how bad the corruption is. But it also reminds us that the Church has been through two other times […]

The Third Pornocracy: the Current Crisis in the Church

Above: some suggest Cardinal Rampolla was the origin, as he was accused of occult membership when he was elected pope in 1903 and then vetoed. Editor’s note: with more commentators calling this period of Church crisis a “pornocracy” in the midst of “L’affair Fernández,” this week we will finish the five part series on pornocracy […]