Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Diebus Saltem Dominicis: Blessings from lackings

It seems as if, once Christmas has passed – BAM! – it’s over.  Trees are at the curb, decorations come down, music on the radio goes back to whatever it was.  However, Holy Church gives us an Octave to rest within the feast of the Nativity itself and contemplate it from different angles, including the […]

Pope Francis Knew His Doctrine Chief was an Erotic Author

The Pope knew. The Vatican knew. They knew that Tucho “Heal Me with Your Mouth” Fernández was also the author of the erotic text Mystical Passion: Spirituality and Sensuality. And then he was appointed to be in charge of the doctrinal purity at the Office Formerly Known as Holy. The new doctrinal chief continues to […]

Burning Hearts Set to Music

Three hundred and fifty years ago, on January 12, 1674, one of the greatest Italian composers of the 17th century, or rather “the Master of Musical Europe,” suddenly died in Rome: Giacomo Carissimi. The Jesuit Athanasius Kircher, a scientist and theologian who taught at the Roman College (the future Pontifical Gregorian University), praised him thusly […]

Do All African Bishops Recognize and Resist the Pope?

Above: Vatican City – April 16, 2015. Pope Francis meets with the bishops of Kenya who are on their ad limina visit in Rome, Italy. © L’Osservatore Romano. In the ongoing controversy regarding same-sex blessing, the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar has released a response to Pope Francis and Tucho “Spirituality and […]

The Term “Pastoral” as a Talisman Word

One of the expressions we hear most in recent years is “pastoral.” “Pastoral reasons” are used to justify some initiatives in the ecclesial sphere, as we have seen in Fiducia supplicans. “Pastoral motifs” are also behind many changes in liturgy and sacred music. It almost seems that pastoral care has become a sort of passepartout […]

What Can You Do with a Liberal Arts Degree?

“…And what do you do with a liberal arts degree?” is something anyone who has attended or works at a small school like Wyoming Catholic College or Thomas Aquinas College is used to hearing. When someone asks: “what is your major?” you usually know that “liberal arts” won’t actually mean anything to them. This is […]

More Erotic Musings from Vatican Head of Doctrine

Warning: explicit material below. I was reading the news this morning and my 7-year-old walked into the room. I had to close the page because it included the cover of this book by Tucho “Heal Me with Your Mouth” Fernández. That’s right, folks. More erotic musings from the man entrusted with doctrinal purity by Pope […]

Clash of the Catechisms, pt. 2

Author’s Note: this series endeavors to correct the historical record and encourage Catholic parents and educators with a sure sign of hope for the future. Part I demonstrates the public rupture in the catechetical manuscript tradition over the past sixty years, while Part II offers a critical review of the new catechism Credo within this […]

Bishops React to Pope Francis: Traditionis Custodes vs. Fiducia Supplicans

Above: Vatican City – September 7, 2015. Pope Francis meets with Bishops of Portugal during their ad limina visit to Rome on September 7, 2015. Credit: © L’Osservatore Romano The Future is not Franciscan Ever since the revelations of Archbishop Viganò starting with his first letter in August of 2018, Pope Francis seems to be […]