Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Advent Reflections on the Four Last Things: Heaven

The Glory of Paradise St. Benedict sums up the spiritual necessity of the Four Last Things in his chapter “What Are the Instruments of Good Works”: To have wholesome fear of the day of judgment. With fear to shrink from hell. To long for eternal life with all spiritual desire. To have the expectation of […]

Meanwhile, Sr. Wilhelmina is Still Incorrupt

While the world has gone crazy over the latest insanity from the Vatican regime of Iconoclasm, and some Catholics are struggling with their faith and tempted to leave the Ark of Salvation (God forbid!), a new teaser trailer has been released for the movie about Sr. Wilhelmina: In the rush of news since I got […]

Yes, Mary Knew

I recently heard a podcast stating “that Mary lacked knowledge of Christ’s divine nature at some point in her life after his birth.” I’ll let that sink in. This was based on the producer’s private interpretation of Lk. 8:19-21. If this sounds like a sour note in a piece of music, or more likely fingernails […]

Patriarch Sviatoslav – “‘Fiducia Supplicans’ has no legal status in UGCC”

Editor’s note: below is an unofficial English translation of the Communiqué of Patriarch Sviatoslav on the reception of the Declaration Fiducia supplicans, originally published on December 22, 2023 here. Kyiv Ref. MA 23/326 22 December 2023 of the year of our Lord Communiqué regarding the reception in the UGCC of the Declaration of the Dicastery […]

Bishops of the World Resist Francis to His Face

But when Cephas was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed (Gal. ii. 11) Brethren in Christ, we are living in the glorious times of the saints! This is an awesome time to be a Catholic. Let us thank Almighty God that He has chosen us to […]

German Women Respond to Fiducia Supplicans

Editor’s note: this statement was released by the German Catholic women’s organization Maria 1.0 on the day after Fiducia Supplicans. STATEMENT ON FIDUCIA SUPPLICANS BY THE DICASTERY FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH Sin is still not love! Yesterday, on December 18, 2023, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, under its Prefect Victor Emanuel Fernández, […]

We’ve Raised only 39% of What We Need. Please Help!

If you’re reading this, it means that most likely, you’re the kind of person who genuinely cares about what is good and decent and right, and no matter what the obstacles are, you want to see truth prevail. Since my fundraising appeal last week, we’ve doubled our progress toward our monthly goal from 19% to […]

Bishops of Ukraine: No Blessing for those Living in Sin

Editor’s note: On December 19, 2023, the Roman Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Ukraine published the following response to Fiducia supplicans on their official website here. Below is an unofficial English translation by OnePeterFive: Communiqué of the Ukrainian [Roman Catholic] Bishops’ Conference on the Declaration of the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith “FIDUCIA SUPPLICANS” […]

Advent Reflections on the Four Last Things: Hell

Hell Is Proof of Man’s Exalted Dignity The Offertory prayers speak of how God “wondrously endowed dignity to human nature.”[1] The eternity of Hell manifests the proof of this exalted dignity in two ways. The first is that man’s soul is immortal. The only time that God still creates out of nothing is the creation […]

Archdiocese Condemns “Evil” Vatican Document and Prohibits Same-sex Blessings

Above: Archbishop Tomash Peta, Archbishop of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Saint Mary in the city of Astana, and the President of the Bishops’ Conference of Kazakhstan from May 19, 2003. Statement of the Archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana regarding the Declaration “Fiducia supplicans”, published by the Dicastery of the Doctrine of Faith and approved by […]